• City Bokaro
  • Service Area Chas Sector - 1/2/3 Sector 12, Biadah, Adarsh Co-operative Co-operative colony, Bari Cooperative Sector- 4,5, Chirachas Sector-6/8/9/11 Railway Station, Balidih, Ukrid, Siwandih
  • 7am to 9.30am
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Puresh Daily is committed to providing 100% pure and organic cow milk.

Our Farm

A clean and safe environment for cattle is necessary for hygienic and healthy milk.
We are creating an organic of life. We dont use any chemicals whatsoever, in the entire chain of milk production.


Latest agiculture technique
Green fodder in sufficient quantity is key to helathy milk. We have used latest agri-technology like HYDROPONICS to make green fodder available round the year.

Latest Agri Tech

Cleaning the farm
The premises is washed several times a day and monitored through CCTV so that high standard of cleanliness is maintained.


Trained veterinarian
We keep an eye on health of each cow. Trained Veterinarian are available round the clock to monitor it.

Trained Veterinarian


We are committed to providing you 100% pure cow milk fresh from our own farm, unlike other milk companies which source milk from various farms and storing it for many days before it reaches you
Pure milk


As there is no middleman in process and sourcing is only from own farm, you can be completely sure about its quality. There is no adulteration in the milk.

Organic milk


We dont use any chemical whatsoever in the entire process of production of milk.We feed cows with the green fodder grown only inside our farm.The milk is sealed and supplied in glass bottles to make sure that there is no trace of chemicals.
Healthier milk


We provide rich diet to our cows which ensures that the milk so produced is full of protiens and other Vitamins.

Hygenic milk


We have employed hi-tech and mechanised processes which takes due care of hygeine.

Why Choose Us

No growth hormones

No Growth Hormones

Self owned farms

Self Owned Farms

Oraganic feed

Organic Feed Only

Hygenic Milk

Hygienic Milking.

Fresh to doorstep

Fresh to Doorstep.

What Our Customers Say

Latest From Blog

We constantly research on milk and related health topics. Below is range of articles which will give you tips to take right decision for better health of your family.
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July 18, 2020

How to get your kids to drink milk over artificial drinks?

3,673 Views For many parents in Bokaro, their kid not drinking milk is one of the first problems they have to face when trying to inculcate proper eating habits in their child. As necessary because it may be to just accept that your child doesn’t like milk, there also are ways in which will facilitate
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November 14, 2019

Benefits of Ghee that you should know

2,898 Views Ghee or clarified butter is a preferred cooking staple in most Indian kitchens. Ghee one of the favorite natural fats. It is commonly used in India and Middle Eastern countries. Traditionally ghee is made from cow’s milk which is a major ingredient in Kitchen. “Ghee consists of fat-soluble vitamins, which aid weight loss
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November 06, 2019

Where you can get fresh and quality Paneer in Ranchi?

2,595 Views Paneer is a kind of fresh cheese. It is a non-melting cheese made by curdling milk with a fruit- or vegetable-derived acids, such as lemon juice or citric acid. Paneer is a good source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium, and zinc. It is used in sweet and savory dishes. Being
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October 17, 2019

How can you test the purity of ghee easily at home?

10,331 Views Ghee also is known as clarified butter is a regular and effective ingredient in the India Kitchen. It is made up of pure and fresh cow milk. Before vegetable oil came into being, food was primarily cooked in ghee. According to Ayurveda, ghee is an important ingredient used for Ayurvedic medicines as it
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October 16, 2019

Where you can get pure organic cow ghee in Ranchi?

3,196 Views Ghee one of the favorite natural fats. It is commonly used in India and Middle Eastern countries. Traditionally ghee is made from cow’s milk which is a major ingredient in Kitchen. Adding 1-2 teaspoon of ghee to the diet can help you to lose belly fat. What is Ghee? Ghee is 100% butterfat
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July 17, 2019

Common quick test for detection of some food adulterants at households

242,119 Views FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority Of India) is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, G. FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through regulation and supervision of food safety. FSSAI conducts testing of food for a different type of adulterants, chemical contaminants and other
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Request a trial

In a few simple steps, You too can join our elite family of customers and can give your family nutritional goodness that comes with 100% pure cow milk.
Feedback call
You can either fill up this form or call our customer care number 790-9000-021 to Request a trial.



Cow Milk

Self-manage your subscription

Puresh Daily App

Travelling over the weekend or some guests coming over – changing your milk requirement can now be done in a click.

some of the advantages of puresh daily app :

  • Set your calendars and forget. Your deliveries will be made automatically.
  • Change the schedule as per the requirement even at midnight if you find you have extra milk you can cancel the next delivery or adjust it. It helps you save your money .
  • Check all your previous deliveries and payments made. You can find all this arranged in a very transparent way.
  • Did you find any issue with the quality? Don't worry just report and we will correct to your satisfaction.

Contact Details

You are invited to visit our farm

Raj Nandini Niwas
Gram - Satanpur, Pooja Colony, Baghraibera,
Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand
Pin Code- 827012