
June 2019


For many parents in Ranchi, their kid not drinking milk is one of the first problems they have to face when trying to inculcate proper eating habits in their child. As necessary because it may be to just accept that your child doesn’t like milk, there also are ways in which will facilitate your kid get want to drinking milk properly. Puresh Daily- Organic milk delivery service in Ranchi is committed to bring healthy habits in children which includes drinking milk and not choosing cola and other artificial drinks. We feel proud to say that we have many such customers whose children do not like drinking milk earlier, but started drinking milk after tasting Puresh Daily organic cow milk. You have to understand why today’s generation kids do not drink milk compared to previous generation. Today we are dependent on pouch milk which is 4-10 days old milk and is…

Milk may be a common drink of our daily diet. But not every-time the milk we take is pure; it may have urea, formalin, starch and water as impurity. Packed milk from reputed brands as well as milk purchased from milk-vendors may be adulterated thus it’s necessary to test for the milk before consuming. In Ranchi and nearby states we get news about adulteration every now and then, many such news items can checked on our website Puresh Daily in Ranchi, is dedicated towards offering not only pure milk to the customers but also making our customers aware about how to test impure milk and protect your family. Any milk product from Puresh Daily brand is open for any type of test. Test for adulteration in milk can be done at home using following ways; Purity test: Boil milk on slow heat for 2-3 hours until it solidifies and…

In India, Desi ghee has forever been a sacred and celebrated image of auspiciousness, nourishment, and healing; particularly within the daily rituals of cookery and worship. Desi cow Ghee is a premium cooking oil celebrated for its taste, nutritional benefits, and medicinal qualities. Ayurveda, the traditional bioscience of India, recognizes ghee as an essential part of a balanced diet, and considers it to be the best fat one can eat. Ghee is the strong essence of butter; the last result of an extended, slow, careful clarification process that removes all the moisture, milk solids and impurities. The absence of milk solids and water in desi ghee create it fully shelf stable. Ghee has one of the highest flash points (485ºF) which make this oil the best choice for high-temperature cooking. Previously due to wrong marketing done by cooking oil companies, ghee was given negative publicity that it increases cholesterol and…

Ever wondered, which milk- cow or buffalo milk is suitable as per your body conditions? Milk could be a wonder drink and is considered a whole food with all the necessary nutrients that your body wants. It provides several health advantages being rich in calcium, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fat. Doctors recommend drinking milk every day in order to stay healthy and fit. But once you need to make a selection between cow and buffalo milk, which one is better? Puresh Daily- 100% organic cow milk has done a lot of study and research on which one is suitable for long term health benefits. We found that the Indian cross-breed cows produce better milk which is rich in nutrients and A2 class protein. We strongly suggest choosing cow milk over buffalo milk. Below are some reasons why cow milk is better than buffalo milk, let us find out Cow…

Today it is recommended to drink at least a glass of milk every day, from children to adults to old people. Milk is considered a vital source of vitamin D and calcium. Milk contains up to 3.2 g of protein, 4.8g of carbohydrates, 3.3g of fat, 0.08g of omega 3 and 0.12g of omega6. This is the nutritional composition of full cream milk. This composition is so healthy for our body and mind. In the earlier stages of discovering milk, it was assumed that people who belonged to areas that do not receive adequate sunlight, should consume milk. This thought originated from the fact that as they were unable to get enough vitamin D, due to lack of sunlight, they needed milk as a supplement. People initially begin drinking milk for its numerous health advantages in Europe, and this trend was spread by the Balkans. There is a particular gene…